Sunday, February 23, 2014

Week 11 of 20

2/18- 3.07 miles
2/19- 4.87 miles (supposed to be 5, GPS went crazy and I went by time)
2/20- 8 miles
2/23- 16 miles

Total: 31.9 miles

I had some cramping issues with my left shin this week... including the first 4 miles of my long run.  It gets painfully rigid and I had to stop every mile or so. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Week 10 of 20- Big Sur Marathon Training

Halfway there! Trying to hit lots of hills this week in preparation for Hurricane Point.

Wednesday 2/12- 6 miles / 602 ft. elevation gained / 10:18 average pace
Thursday 2/13- 7 miles / 275 ft. elevation gained / 9:48 pace
Saturday 2/15- 6 miles / 105 ft. elevation gained / 10:00 pace (end of a long day in the dark)
Sunday 2/16- 9 miles / 572 ft. elevation gained / 10:44 pace

Total: 28 miles

I'm feeling pretty fatigued this week.  It's another week of my highest weekly mileage so far and I'm slacking on the nutrition area.  I'm hungry but instead of eating high quality protein or anything good I'm eating a lot of ice cream sandwiches.  I'll work on that this week.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Big Sur Training Week 9 of 20

21 of my miles last week were done in the rain.  I missed some runs last week but considering I was switching shoes that probably isn't a horrible thing.  I don't mind running in the rain too much... the rain in the San Francisco Bay is a light drizzle that last for days and not the spurts of downpours I grew up with in Texas.  Pretty easy to run in, but I do wear a hat on rainy days.  This week I'm trying to run more hills in preparation for the killer hill in the middle of Big Sur, so I'll start adding in elevation information for each run as well. I'm going to try to run trails on my weeks of shorter long runs because that's where I love running most but I have to work up to some of the challenging hills the area's trails provide and I'm not quite ready to run 14-16 miles with huge climbs.  I tried out a 6 mile run with maybe a hill 60-70% as challenging as the hill in the marathon with regards to grade and length and it was a beating.

Week 9 of 20
2/5- 4 miles (243 elevation gained)
2/6- 7 miles (203 ft. elevation gained)
2/9- 14 miles (686 ft. elevation gained)

Total: 25 miles

Picture of cherry blossom trees, of which I saw many, around mile 10 of my long run last week:

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Big Sur Training Week 8 of 20

I guess I have to change the name of the blog because I bought a pair of non-minimalist running shoes.  I've been in physical therapy the past few weeks because of posterior tibial tendonitis after the week I ran all my miles under 9:00 min/mile.  I had a gait analysis done and to my horror, I was still heel striking- 3 years into barefoot/minimalist running.  I was shocked and upset.  I have some other issues-overpronation, hyperdorsiflexion, asymmetry in several areas.... I'm doing strength training to improve where I'm weak. But the wear on my minimalist shoes show that I'm heel-striking even when it feels to me like I'm landing mid-foot.  I still am pretty sure I don't heel-strike while actually barefoot because I doubt I would have been able to run 14 miles barefoot while heel-striking and not have some sort of insanely bruised heel.  After I got over the inital shock, what concerned me more when viewing my gait videos was the collapsing in of my right ankle.  That's where I've been feeling consistent pain and on my last 12 mile long run I could really feel my form falling apart and being unable to prevent it from collapsing in.  If both ankles were doing it to the same degree I would be less worried about it but my right is doing it significantly more than my left.  So, after much thought I'm trying FOR THE FIRST TIME in my running career, some more "traditional" shoes.  I'm not sure if my body is just not cut out for barefoot/minimalist running or if my goals just don't coincide with it at this point.  I am super nervous to switch over to a different type of shoe- who knows if I will be trading my current injuries for new ones.  Only time will tell.  I definitely think the Bikilas aren't the shoe for me for marathon distances.  I'm only interested in running as many pain-free miles as possible right now.

Anyway,  I got some Saucony Kinvaras and am going to be slowly switching over to them for the marathon.  I tried on several low-heel drop shoes at a local running store and the Kinvaras feel pretty comfortable, though it is odd to run on these pillows of comfort.  I only wore it for my 5 miler Saturday.... no real difference in speed, which is good.  If I was suddenly running 1 minute per mile faster I would be more worried about injury.

Miles this week:

1/28: 4 miles
1/29: 5 mile trail run
1/30: 6 miles
2/1: 5 miles
2/2: 7 miles

Total: 27 miles